Read the book and prepare a recipe to share with the group!
This month's book is: Good Lookin' Cookin': A Year of Meals - A Lifetime of Family, Friends, and Food.
Channel your inner "murderino" and discuss a new true crime book every month.
Dearest Gentle Reader…this library invites you to attend the most anticipated event of the season! Wear your finest evening attire, brush up on your Bridgerton trivia, and join us for high tea.
This program is for adults only. Please do not bring children of any age.
Put your 4-person team together and head to the Paisley Pear for trivia with a new theme each month.
Join HPL and FHSU Forsyth Library discussing tips, tricks, and how-To’s of time management.
Come in and enjoy a variety of different cheeses and pairings found around the world. Rate them and find out your favorite one! Supplies limited.
Toggle the date picker: Apr 2025 April 2025